Sunday, April 3, 2022

Keep our School Board Crazy Free

 Local Election Day for school board and other local issues in Platte County, MO tomorrow.

This has been a HELL of a year for educators - the challenges brought by the pandemic, trying not in person school, trying to return to school without worsening the pandemic and the BIG INFLUX of the crazies.

You know the crazies, the people who claim having kids wear masks and wash their hands are some kind of a plot to garner victims in a sex slave cult (Google it, or don't) or claiming there is some kind of race or sexuality or communism brainwashing going on by teachers because they do more with their lives than listen to Tucker Carlson all day.  They are crazy.  You've seen and heard them:

These weirdos, or the people who will represent them, are running for school boards now and god help us. Trump Country Missouri has the lowest teacher pay and some of the worst rates of violence against youths in the entire nation, but these people want to waste badly needed time with conspiracies and culture wars bullshit.

Anyhow, there is an election for school board in my quite nice school district on Tuesday and I have a nice little method to tell who is an experienced leader for children, the community and educators and who is some quack who will always waste time on the dumbest stuff imaginable:

Oh no.

See that "Believe in teaching ABC's not CRT"? That's how we know every hour on the clock will be used to waste the time of the worthwhile professionals trying to educate our children.

Conversely, here is another mailer:

Endorsed by teachers

Being endorsed by the NEA should filter out those weirdos attempting to either crazy up the place or burn it all down if we don't take their clown show seriously.

I've seen other variation "Keep political views out of classrooms" and "Keep politics out of our schools"

That is always code for "Keep only Right Wing politics in our schools".

There is a well funded movement to make public school impossible and accelerate to some kind of a "Voucher for the For Profit Jesus Academy of Your Choice" future that would be HORRIBLY inferior to the Public School Experience that our children can have. I'm voting for Daryl and not any of the crazy people. Multiple NEA endorsed candidates are on the ballot.

Lucky to live in a great community, gotta keep an eye out for the school-hating crazies.

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