Give Thanks and Celebrate in times of plenty.
These times are not guaranteed.
It's Thanksgiving 2024. I'm blessed with loving family and wonderful friends. My household has steady income, working cars, a roof over our heads and the chance to spoil ourselves from time to time.
My countrymen are booking record travel for the Holidays and are likely going to enjoy record Gift Giving for each other. This is good. Celebrate one another. Celebrate good times.
Enjoy this Holiday Season, it may be the last "Normal" Holiday Season we have for a while.
Much has happened. The election hit like a knife in the back of everything we are when Americans are being our best. We have gone from Early November when the winner of the election claimed to have never heard of Project 2025 to Late November when he is appointing the authors into Cabinet Positions.
There is a project for Billionaires to engage in their favorite hobby of explaining why our society can't afford food stamps of $6 a day for poor children and demanding - via messages sent from their yachts - that they eat just a little less. Someone must sacrifice you see.
Unlike 2017, the institutions and guardrails and checks and balances our nation built for centuries have been declared unconstitutional by our Federalist Society Courts and there is no power to reign in what is coming. What is coming is chaos.
The principle of Chesterston's Fence is "Do not remove a fence until you know why it was put up in the first place." and when "Deregulators" put the trespassers in charge of fence removals we are about to learn - in hard and painful ways - why our institutions were made.
The elimination of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the National Labor Relations Board, the Department of Education, The Affordable Care Act and many others has been on the radar of Project 2025ers for some time. All of these have saved American dollars, American jobs and American lives.
Brexit inflicted tremendous pain on most Britons and now we have voted to inflict a much greater pain.
I expect a sugar high for months, maybe a year, where "Boy, we never needed those hand guards on the grinding machine!" before the bleeding and looting become unignorable.
I don't know how to stop this pain. Be twenty times as cautious in your personal dealings and assume no rules protect you? But I know this:
Appreciate the good times with your family and loved ones. Put up the tree, share gifts, give thanks, appreciate each other. Build those bonds that may be tested in harder harsher times.
Photo Credit: Johnny Dare
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